ATG Unplugged – Miscellaneous ATG Thread
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By Admin
Redirecting in handle method – checkFormRedirect In ATG
The server lock manager synchronizes locking among various ATG servers, so only one at a time can modify the same item. At least one ATG server must be configured to start the /atg/dynamo/service/ServerLockManager component on application startup. For more info Click Here.
The deployment process is initiated by the /atg/deployment/DeploymentManager component, which is also responsible for sending JMS messages that signal the start of each subsequent deployment phase. It Manages the deployment of repository items from a source repository to a target repository.
Dynamo also includes a SingletonSchedulableService, atg.service.scheduler.SingletonSchedulableService, which enables multiple Dynamo servers to run the same scheduled service, while guaranteeing that only one instance of the service performs the scheduled task at a time. This provides some protection from server failures, as the loss of one Dynamo server does not prevent the scheduled service from running on another Dynamo server. For more info Click Here.
ATG REST MVC Web Services
The REST MVC framework leverages existing droplets, form handlers and components, creating an API that can be extended easily. You can build REST services in a modular format by combining model producers. URLs are explicitly defined in a registry, making access to REST URLs secure. All properties that are used in REST calls can be filtered, which reduces the amount of information that must be transferred.
If your site has any pages where you need to reprice an Order, but you cannot do so through a form action and corresponding handle method, use the RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean. The RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean is an instance of atg.commerce.order.purchase.RepriceOrder, which extends atg.service.pipeline.servlet.PipelineChainInvocation. ATG Commerce provides an instance of RepriceOrder, which is located in Nucleus at /atg/commerce/order/purchase/RepriceOrderDroplet.
The RepriceOrder class provides the required objects for executing a repricing pipeline as convenient properties. Typically, execution of a repricing pipeline requires the Order, the Profile, the OrderManager, and the user’s PricingModelHolder. RepriceOrder is conveniently configured to reference these objects, which means that a page developer doesn’t need to supply them as input parameters every time the RepriceOrderDroplet servlet bean is invoked. Consequently, the only required parameter that must be supplied is the pricing operation to execute.
Session Confirmation Number ATG
If you want to use REST web services then you must know Session Confirmation Number.
Dynamo Handler
DynamoHandler generates a DynamoHTTPServletRequest (called the Dynamo request) that wraps the generic HTTPServletRequest so that servlets are able to read information on the request as well as modify the request itself. A matching DynamoHTTPServletResponse is also generated. DynamoHandler passes the Dynamo request/response pair to the next servlet in the request-handling pipeline. This pipeline is a series of servlets that share dynamic information about the request and response with the Nucleus framework in order to render the requested page.