Solved : Unable to retrieve site definition for site id: /storeSiteUS
The most common error when we try to hit the CRS home page after installation is
SEVERE [atg.endeca.assembler.multisite.ExtendedSiteManager] (http-/ Unable to retrieve site definition for site id: /storeSiteUS: No node found at path: [pages].
Causes for the above error are :-
Baseline Indexing
Make sure that your baseline indexing is completed for all components.
Promote Content
If all indexing are completed successfully make sure that you have fired the promote_content.bat script.
CRS Content Zip
Go to the path %Endeca_Folder%\Apps\CRS\data\workbench\application_export_archive\CRS and check if Zip file for CRS is present or not. That zip file is used by endeca to fetch CRS content so it is must.
DefaultFileStoreFactory(Important One)
Go to dyn/admin of your production server and search for DefaultFileStoreFactory component and check for configurationPath property that is it correctly pointing to ZIP folder explained above. And also try to change the slashes like from forward slash to backward or reverse.