checkFormRedirect() In ATG is : – method of GenericFormhandler class use to redirect to the SuccessURL if no form errors are found and to ErrorURL if form errors are found. also use to forward the request rather than redirect (based on userForwards parameter) internally use redirectOrForward method os same class. return true or false Use…
TreeSet Class in java
TreeSet Class In Java:- TreeSet is backed up by NavigableMap in Java and by default it uses TreeMap.The elements are stored in sorted, ascending order according to natural order with uniqueness. We can construct a TreeSet with constructor that give the collection with own rules for what order we want by using a Comparable or…
Repository API In ATG
Repository API In ATG is : set of interfaces that are used for generic data access. use to manipulate repository items within Java code, including retrieving, creating, updating, deleting, and querying for items. provides generic data access calls that mask the underlying data store from the developer.(any database can be use as it convert the data…
HashSet Class in java
HashSet uses hash table to store the element it extends AbstractSet class and implements Set, Cloneable, object of this class is responsible to creating Hashtable (actually a HashMap instance) in memory and store element in Random manner with uniqueness. Every Collection implements :- Cloneable, interface. Four Constructor is available in HashSet- 1. HashSet() Constructs a new, empty set; the backing HashMap instance has default initial capacity (16)…
Derived Property In ATG
Derived Property In ATG is a transient property (not associated with a column in a table) that: Derives its value from another property Can search through a series of properties to find a non-null value Specifies the derivation mechanism in the XML Repository Definition File by using a <derivation> tag Derived properties provide a way…
Creating Dynamic Success URL In FormHandler In ATG
Success URL In FormHandler in ATG Success URL in ATG is the URL used in formhandlers when we want to redirect the user after successful submission of form whether it is creating, updating or deleting a row. e.g . . <dsp:input type=”hidden” bean=”TestFormHandler.createSuccessURL” value=”succesurl.jsp” /> . . The above code will redirect the user to…
ArrayList Class In Java
ArrayList Class In Java:- ArrayList uses array to store the elements. It extends AbstractList and implements List, RandomAccess(Marker Interface), Cloneable, Serializable. Three Constructors are available in ArrayList:- ArrayList() – Constructs an empty list with an initial capacity of 10. ArrayList(Collection<? extends E> c) – Constructs a list containing the elements of the specified collection, in the order they are returned…
What is System Class in java
System Class In Java:- is a core class. provides number of method and class fields. is available in java.lang package. provides facility like Standard input,Standard output,error stream output, loading files and libraries, access to externally defined properties and environment variables and a utility method for quickly copying a portion of an array. Unique Features in System Class:- System…
ATG Interview Questions
ATG Interview Questions For 1-2 Years Experience Explain Architecture of ATG. What is Nucleus ? What is Repository in ATG ? Which Formhandlers you have used in ATG ? How Droplet Work ? How will you define one to many relationship in repository. How you use MAP in one to many relation. Difference between item-type…
HashMap Load Factor and Initial Capacity
Initial Capacity and Load Factor in HashMap are two parameters that affect its performance. Initial Capacity In HashMap The capacity is the number of buckets in the hash table, and the initial capacity is simply the capacity at the time the hash table is created. Default initial capacity is 16. Load factor In HashMap The…