Bean Filtering In ATG REST MVC is use to filter the response using beanFilteringConfiguration.xml of /atg/dynamo/service/filter/bean/BeanFilterService component. Filter the Response – What does it mean? Here filtering is used in context of sending only required properties in REST MVC response whether JSON or XML response. How Bean Filtering Works? ATG provides beanFilteringConfiguration.xml for manipulating the…
Oracle Commerce Store Accelerator (CSA) – REST MVC Exposed
With the Commerce 11.2 release, Oracle introduces a new reference accelerator called the Commerce Store Accelerator (CSA). One of the primary goals of CSA is to provide a best practice framework for using the REST APIs, Experience Manager, and Assembler to build Oracle Commerce applications. The application is a services-based single-page application and is responsive…
Sending Complex Object To ATG REST MVC
Sending complex object to ATG REST MVC is a big bummer for developer when try to send complex data structure like atg-rest-class-type and atg-rest-values in the input payload. As these keyword are necessary so that REST architecture understands it correctly and map to corresponding objects. Here I am gonna give you a simple example how…
_dynSessConf – Use Of Session Confirmation Number In ATG
Session Confirmation Number In ATG When using REST services, you want to prevent the processing of malicious site requests. Oracle ATG Web Commerce platform uses a request parameter _dynSessConf, which contains a session confirmation number, to verify that a request is legitimate. How do we get it ? The first actor that must be invoked…
Solved : HTTP 302 – ATG Rest MVC Response
ATG REST MVC framework leverages existing Droplets, Form handlers and Components. As REST MVC uses the form handler in web service call, form handler internally redirects to either Success Url or Error Url. So due to this every time we invoke any actor that uses form handler always give HTTP 302 Moved Permanently because internal redirection happens on…