Initial Capacity and Load Factor in HashMap are two parameters that affect its performance. Initial Capacity In HashMap The capacity is the number of buckets in the hash table, and the initial capacity is simply the capacity at the time the hash table is created. Default initial capacity is 16. Load factor In HashMap The…
Need Of serialVersionUID In Serialization
serialVersionUID In Serialization If we do not explicitly declare serialVersionUID during serialization then JVM generates this ID based upon the structure of class. And then if we implement another interface or any other class or change the structure of class then JVM will generate different serialVersionUID for the class. After that if we try to…
Singleton In Java
Singleton in java is a class which has only one instance in whole application and provides a getInstance() method to access the singleton instance. There are many classes in JDK which is implemented using Singleton pattern like java.lang.Runtime which provides getRuntime() method to get access of it. There are many ways to create singleton in…
GenericFormHandler And RepositoryFormHandler in ATG
GenericFormHandler And RepositoryFormHandler Classes In ATG Both of these classes in ATG are used to create a custom form handler to deal with user input and repositories. But these two classes have different purposes in terms of creating new form handler. The difference is GenericFormHandler Custom form handlers should typically extend GenericFormHandler, which: Is a…
Component-item-type and Item-type in ATG
Component-item-type and Item-type Both these attributes are use to link table column to other repository item. The difference is Component-item-type – When you are using one-to-many mapping and you are referring to other repository items i.e another item descriptor. e.g Album and Song are two different item-descriptor. An album can have multiple songs so there…
Application Logging In ATG
For logging you can use logging capabilities of built-in components of ATG. ATG provides GenericService class in order to use logging in your component smoothly. But If your component extends a non-ATG base class, and you are therefore unable to use GenericService as a base, you can still take advantage of ATG logging by implementing…
How To Create Component In ATG – GenericService Class
For creating nucleus components your component class must implement number of interfaces to get the desired functionality but we can simplify our work by extending only one class. ATG provides a base class that provides smooth integration into the ATG Nucleus: atg.nucleus.GenericService Properties loggingDebug loggingError loggingInfo loggingWarning name nameContext Methods resolveName(): Finds a component by…
Types of Components In ATG
Most components in ATG can be classified into one of the following categories: Service: A component that provides functionality on which one or more systems depends. Form Handler: A component to validate and manage form input data. Servlet Bean: A droplet to handle page display logic. An example of a service component is a scheduled service. Your server-wide…
Process Steps When We Deploy Any Web Application On Server
When we are creating and deploying any web application on server, the following tasks happened on server side. Step 1:- web.xml parsed by using SAX Parser and stores in to memory. Step 2:- ServletContext object will be created and initialized by sevletContext parameter specified in web.xml. <context-param>………</context-param> Step 3:- Thread Pool will be created. Step 4:- Servlet…
JDBCConnectionException while deploying Ear Sterling OMS
ErrorCode=”com.sterlingcommerce.woodstock.util.frame.jdbc.JDBCConnectionException This is the most common error we get while deploying Sterling Ear in Jboss. So to solve this error go to following location. << Jboss Installation Folder >>/bin/run.bat and open run.bat in text editor. After that find JAVA_OPTS variable and replace that variable and its value with this line. set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Dvendor=shell -DvendorFile=<<sterling…