Request Flow of Struts 1.x
There is following task is happening when you deploy any web-application which is developed in Struts 1.x,
Step 1:- All Step of web-application deployment will be done first Process Steps of any web-application at deployment
Step 2:- Because of configuring ActionServlet with <load-on-startup> tag, ActionServlet is initialized at container startup.
Step 3:- Container invokes service(request,response) method of ActionServlet.
Step 4:- ActionServlet Collects all incoming requests and delegates to RequestProcessor.
Step 5:- RequestProcessor checks whether the requested resource is available or not, if not available then error message will be given with http status code 404.
Step 6:- If requested resource is available then it will check whether that resource contains any <html:form> tag. if not available then error message will be given with http status code 500.
Step 7:- if available then it will check in struts-config.xml file whether any tag is available which action attributes value is same as path attributes value.
Step 8:- if matching action is found then RequestProcessor takes name attributes value.
Step 9:- RequestProcessor checks whether any